My brother Ryan and I
Like A Cajun
For those of you who have been following my blog, Forget the Box, you probably noticed I have taken a very long hiatus! I have been very busy lately starting a new venture with Kent called Like A Cajun. I learned to Cajun Dance when I was a very young child, learning from my grandparents originally. We also joined a children’s dance group that was part of the CFMA (Cajun French Music Association). My teacher Sam Moran and his grandchildren Jason and Alycia Manning were huge influences in my life growing up. I am forever grateful to have met them! Also, I am super thankful to my parents who brought us Cajun Dancing every single weekend. Because of all of these amazing friends and family, my brothers and I grew up with a very strong sense of culture and a knowledge base of really great and fun dance moves.
Why Online Classes?
My mom taught preschool, and when my brothers and I were still in junior high, we traveled to different schools teaching Cajun dance with her. This gave me a love for dancing, but also for teaching! Before my husband Kent and I were married, he noticed I would teach everyone around us anytime we went out Cajun dancing. He suggested that I teach formal Cajun dance lessons, so I started a class at the Cajun restaurant in Baton Rouge, Boutin’s. He took the first class with his daughter as his partner, and then started to help me teach 🙂 I stopped teaching classes when our kids were born, but I miss it! I still teach private lessons at schools and clubs, but I am unable to teach regularly. We then came up with the idea to start an online dance class!
More to Come!
I have a background in video and web development, so creating an online class seemed right up my alley. With the help of some friends – thanks Chris and Peggy! – we filmed the first class – Introduction to Cajun Dance! While trying to come up with a name for this new venture, my awesome co-worker Joey came up with the idea Like A Cajun. This spawned all sorts of ideas, so now everything I do, I do it like a Cajun! We have some fun tee-shirt designs, with many more ideas and products on the way! I also plan to team up with my cousin Adam, who is one of the founders of Virtual Tailgate, to create some fun cooking products and classes. We will also develop some more advanced Cajun Dance classes.
Shop Like A Cajun – Coupons!
I am very excited to be officially launching Like A Cajun with our website www.LikeACajun.com. We will be having a grand opening sale for the next month, so enjoy a 10% off coupon by entering the code GRAND into the checkout promo box. Also, if you have taken a Cajun Dance group class with me at Boutin’s in the past, I am offering a 30% off coupon for the Introduction to Cajun Dance online course. Use promo code student30 at checkout to receive the discount! If you have taken one of my classes in the past and the code doesn’t work for you, email info@LikeACajun.com for help.
While I am super excited about this venture, I am also super excited about spreading the Cajun culture to anyone interested in learning. My family history and culture have always been a huge passion of mine, and I am thrilled to be able to share it!
Merging Sites
I am trying to merge both the Forget The Box Blog site and the 225 Dance site into LikeACajun.com. I was able to migrate the blog posts, but if you had a user account with either of those sites, you will need to create a new one at LikeACajun.com. For future blog posts and Cajun info, like and follow our facebook page! If you have any trouble with the site, please email me at info@LikeACajun.com. I hope to see you on the dance floor!